I'm dreadfully late in writing about this adventure, I actually went to Lake Como not quite two weeks ago. I can't actually think why it has taken me so long, just the usual conflagration of homework, sleep deprivation, and procrastination. So Saturday before last, Arseniya and I were just chilling in our room, reading and checking email and so forth.
"Yeah man?" I replied.
"We should go somewhere this weekend."
"F'shiz" I quipped wittliy. (Yes, I know this response was neither a quip or witty, I'm embellishing)
So a little while later we decided that we should go to Lake Como, for several reasons: A) It was supposed to be beautiful B) It was relatively close and cheap to get to C) George Clooney lives there sometimes (running joke, you had to be there, but really he does) We decided we would leave early Sunday morning so we could catch a train from Cadorna and give us a nice leisurely day of wandering around a gorgeous Alpine lake.
So at about 10:30 we hauled our groggy butts out of bed and grabbed our friend Kyle from his sleeping place on the couch. (I don't think I ever told you about Kyle. He is this 18 year old Australian dude who is going on this long crazy walkabout typw thing around Europe, sleeping in parks and trying to get by on as little as possible. Pretty chill dude and fun to hang with.) And we headed to Cadorna where we met our three Italian friends, Elisabetta, Martina, and Costanza (as awesome a group of girls you could hope to hang with).
And here we are, the Como adventurers:


So as it turned out, we didn't move our groggy butts (I think this phrase is funny) fast enough and missed the first train out to Como. As it turns out, this is a theme for the large majority of my trip so far, just missing trains... But not to worry, all we had to do was hang out in front of Cadorna and enjoy the beautiful sunny day. We only had about 40 minutes to waste anyways. In a while we bought our tickets and boarded the ghetto train for Lago di Como. (It really was, everything was carpeted in a poop brown, including parts of the walls.) We had a nice chatty train ride, a smattering of English, Italian, fighting for window seats. Como actually isn't all that far away only about an hour. And once in Como, you're aggravatingly close to Switzerland, so I'm going to hate myself if I don't go visit for at least a weekend. Here, look how close it is:

I'm pretty sure that if we set our minds to it and had our passports with us, we could have walked there. Ach, well...another time perhaps. Anyways, we arrived in Lake Como and it was just beautiful. There are mountains right up to the point where the lake starts, and buildings scattered on the slopes of some of the lesser Italian Alps. We didn't really have any particular plan for the day, just wander around and enjoy the beautiful weather and at some point get pizza and gelato. We casually strolled down one road that followed the shore, occasionally stopping in small parks and looking around at our beautiful surroundings. Here are just a few pictures of the first few sights we encountered in our passegiatta (literally translated a walk with no real purpose other than enjoyment).
After we had walked about maybe a kilometer, we ran into a pizzeria that seemed ready to fit our needs (i.e. they served pizza, and my Italian muddled brain has doubts whether or not I just used i.e. correctly). After a delicious repast of about 5 diferent types of pizza, we waddled our stuffed bellies out into the sun, where there were some very conveniently placed steps in a sort of odd park-hang-out-here kind of way. So hang out we did. For the first little while our activities consisted of this:
Which was awesome. But after a while Arseniy, Kyle, and I felt the urge to explore so we followed this path behind the stair area up the mountain a ways. We would later find out we had not ascended far at all, but it felt like we could see everything. We hung out on the bend of a road for a while, sitting on a wall and erasing a little more dreariness with the sun's rays.
Walking up...
Lake Como
Arseniy really enjoyed the sun.
And I actually have another video for you all. So here it is:
And afterwards we made our weary way back down our little trail and back to the girls on the steps. Naturally such a great endeavor as taking a 5 min walk had worn us out, so we settled back down for nap due. This may sound ridiuclous but let me explain something about Como. As soon as you get there every muscle in your body starts relazing, and your stress and worries just melt away like snow in Tennessee. This is only the fourth place on earth where I have felt this utter relaxation, the others being Marathon Key, Kalaloch WA, and the Blue Grotto in Malta. I love these places so incredibly much, I'm not even going to try and describe it. Anyways, I decided to forsake the sun (redhead you know...) and found a nice place and settled in for a nice nap. About an hour later I woke up and found Martina sitting by my side. She asked if I was all right. I told her of course... why did she ask? "Because you are all the way over here," she said "away from everyone." I laughed and explained it was merely b/c of my condition(redhead) and I didn't want to push my luck with the sun (Isn't that right ASB 2008ers?). But moving on, shortly thereafter we began moseying our way back to the train station. Just in time too, as soon as the sun dipped behind the mountains it got really cold very fast, and none of us were really that prepared for it. We boarded the rain, and headed back towards Milan, tired somehow in spite of all of our napping, but happy with a beautiful day up in the mountains.
Well, I think I've finally finished this post, and now can begin on my next two. I hope to have one more up today and the other within a day or two. Until later...ciao.